May 1, 2024

System constellations workshop

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The experiences of our ancestors, especially those created by traumatic events, are transmitted generationally through the family system and remain alive in its members as a kind of imprint in the family information field. Such patterns  directly affect our thoughts, emotions and behavior. The effects of unfavorable and traumatic family imprints can be manifested through:

Ω unfounded fears, anger, depression or anxiety
Ω problems in male-female relationships or in the parent/child relationship,
Ω chronic and symptomatic diseases
Ω lack of life energy and will to live in general
Ω financial and business difficulties
Ω feelings of not belonging, helplessness, indecisiveness or aimlessness
Ω repetitive experiences and failures

Constellations were introduced into the Western therapeutic system by Bert Hellinger, who saw through experience that there are universal laws for family systems that govern the health of the system, and when these laws are violated in some way, the violation of relationships leads to generational trauma and suffering.

Traditional therapy, which focuses on the individual, often fails to discover and solve the systemic causes that shape our lives, while they are the focus of the constellation process. Through systemic constellations, we can see where the natural order of things has been interrupted and, respecting its laws, remove the source of the problem and restore harmony in a healthy way.

The constellation approach does not give importance to the subjective view, rational analysis, explanations and life “story” of the individual. More important than that are the facts of significant events from personal and family history (such as abortions, war casualties and other severe traumas). The direction of the work takes place primarily towards the resolution and to a lesser extent towards the symptomatic problem and in an atmosphere of deep respect for all life circumstances.

The work itself is created with the help of other participants who voluntarily represent relevant people, events, emotions, physical or mental states. Thus, you get the opportunity to see, understand and energetically feel the fundamental causes of the problem, which creates the prerequisites for your healing, but also for the healing of the entire system. The life energy that was bound by unhealthy dynamics to the events of the past is released in this way and becomes available for the life goals of the present and previously inaccessible dimensions of the future. It is not rare that these positive changes are unexpectedly strong and fast. This process is a phenomenon that we may not be able to fully explain, but it is inevitably present, provides relevant and verifiable information, and carries a profoundly transformative, healing power. In addition, in an elegant way that does not re-traumatize the person.

At the system constellations workshop, you can present your work on the desired topic or you can participate as a representative in the constellations of other participants.

Through the papers, we often touch on the types of violations of the family field that are almost universally present, so the solutions for the people who post their work are often the same as the solutions for the representatives in that work. At the same time, witnessing someone’s work, without our active participation in it, can have a positive effect on us and initiate constructive and healing processes.

Our next constellation workshop will be held in the premises of the Kadulja association.
Place: Barakovićeva 31, Split (Kadulja Association)
Date: Saturday, March 16, 2024.
Time: start at 09:30. The expected duration of the workshop is up to 15 hours, and it depends on the number of sets.
The registration fee for setting up your constellation is 50 Eur.
For participation in the workshop, the recommended exchange is 10 Eur.
The number of places is limited, so please announce your arrival.
Please send applications and inquiries to the email address:
For inquiries also +385 91 4444 810
I look forward to seeing you soon, again or again
Yours in service to the field of life
dr. Zdeslav Hrepić

* Earlier application for posting the work gives priority in the order but does not guarantee the placement because due to the time variability of the works, it is not possible to accurately predict the total number of placements in the day and there is also the possibility of showing that the question is not ripe for work at that moment.

About the workshop leader:
dr. Zdeslav Hrepić is a professor of physics, life coach, system constellation in training with Alemka Dauskardt* and author of the book “Living Physics”. Along with his long-term career as a professor at US universities, he has been intensively dealing with personal and spiritual development techniques for decades. Based on a broad 30-year experience, Zdeslav keeps the system constellations according to Hellinger at the very top of the techniques available for this purpose – according to surprisingly fast and powerful efficiency, elegant simplicity and according to the depth of the transformative experience they enable.

More about Zdeslav, his journey and the book Living Physics at:
Atma podcast:
Cosmic travelers podcast:

* You can find out more about the system constellations according to Hellinger on the Atma podcast with Alemka Dauskardt or on the show On the Edge of Science, where she was a guest. Alemka is the author of the book “Zapis”.

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