May 1, 2024

Live evening: Live physics for a better life

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At the Live Evening, scientist and physicist dr. Zdeslav Hrepić, and the well-known Croatian television host of the cult show On the Edge of Science Krešimir Mišak.

The live evening will be the pre-premiere of the show On the Edge of Science, which Mišak is preparing in April. Through practical and very real-life examples, they will show a brilliant way to apply physics in everyday life. They will also talk about how practical physics helps us when we are worried about health, finances and relationships. In this way, physics is also presented in the book by dr. Zdeslav Hrepić Living physics.

“Dr. Z”

“Dr. Z or Dr. Zdeslav Hrepić is a professor of physics, a researcher of educational methodology and a certified life coach. He has 25 years of experience teaching physics from elementary school to graduate studies in his native Croatia and the USA. As a life coach, he enjoys combining analytical, intuitive and At the same time as his scientific research, his lifelong interest in spirituality led him to India, where he realized that nature can be a life and spiritual teacher and practical life training strategies. After more than 20 years of living and working in America, he returned to his native island of Brač, where he also teaches. Zdeslav likes to travel with his wife and daughter, spend time in nature, play guitar, and explain physical principles of success as a professor, speaker and life coach,” we read in Living Physics.

Concrete example: why and how to live your talents?

The laws of physics work in everyday life. With their help, we can resolve our dilemmas, challenges, doubts, and by taking them into account, we can choose the right path when we find ourselves at a crossroads. Let’s take the example of the physical law of potential and potential energy. We can put it to great use when it comes to realizing our talents, gifts and inner potential. Let’s say that you always feel the desire to write, dance, sing, etc., but you don’t dare to live out your talent, to show it to people who could benefit from your talent. By doing so, you are also suffocating your potential energy and consequently creating an imbalance. That’s why dr. In his book Living Physics, Hrepić advises: “Our abilities and talents come to full expression when we share these blessings with others so that they can benefit from them. When we give our inner treasures to the world, we transform their potential energy into the energy of movement. In order to preserve potential at a high level and for it to continue to benefit, so that we all gain. Human potential grows by mutual exchange. You reach for the highest and pass down the ground potential and you don’t create an imbalance that can be destructive.” Written down, translated into a “physics axiom”, it says: “Positions high above the ground have a high potential compared to the ground. The ball will not roll on a horizontal plate, no matter how high the plate is. To convert its potential energy into kinetic the ball needs energy to travel downward. Similarly, electric current flows through a circuit only when the higher potential pole of the battery is connected to the lower one.”

“As above, so below”

“It is clear that we are inevitably affected by natural laws. And the word physics means nature. When we speak of the influence of natural laws in the material world on us, the metaphysical principle of correspondence is added when we say ‘as above, so below’ or ‘as in in heaven, so on earth’. This means that the visible laws of matter have their parallels in the spiritual laws. An excellent example of this is the law of action, which says that every force has an equal and opposite reaction. It is the same with the saying ‘do unto another.’ , what you want others to do to you. This is the so-called ‘principle of karma.’ the quality of our life, this law must first be applied to ourselves, to our own thoughts, emotions and actions,” explains the scientist.

Resolving difficult relationships, health and financial challenges

“In relationships, especially when they are problematic, we can apply several laws of physics. For example, when you have a difficult relationship, ground yourself. Just as a lightning rod grounds electrical charges, neutralize your emotional charges. Find your support. Use it to overcome the greater with the lesser force, which can be achieved by leveraging The frequencies that your heartbeat emits into the universe at which you receive the most energy.This principle that bodies pulsating at the same frequency transmit energy best from one to the other, it’s called resonance. And if you go too far, come back into balance, like a playground swing does. These principles work for relationships, too, when we in concern for

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